Mike Walker

Commander, Support Services  |  Email 

Mike Walker began his law enforcement career at the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office in 1997. He has worked in several departments, including Corrections, Enforcement, Investigations, Special Services and Support Services. During his career Walker was a member of the CPSO Honor Guard, has served as a Sergeant on Patrol, Lieutenant over the CPSO ACT-T Team (Anti-Crime, Tactical & Training Unit), and Lieutenant over School Resources.  Walker most recently served as Captain over School Resources.


Throughout his career, he has attended many law enforcement related schools, seminars and instructor certification courses, specializing in leadership, firearms, tactical operations and school safety management.  He is a graduate of the Calcasieu Parish Regional Law Enforcement Academy with numerous hours of post certification training.  He has been a Louisiana POST Certified Firearms Instructor since 2008, a NTOA (National Tactical Officers Association) Certified SWAT & Tactics and Live-Fire Shoothouse Instructor and a CSAT (Combat Shooting and Tactics) Tactical Rifle Certified Instructor. He has SRO Management and School Safety Assessments Certifications with NASRO (National Association of School Resource Officers) and is a recipient of the FBI-LEEDA Leadership Trilogy Award, the American Legion (Outstanding Public Service Award) 2018, and CPSO Enforcement Deputy of the Year Award.

School Resource Officer Program

The School Resource Officer Program is a proactive, innovative, problem-solving approach to assist in reducing crime by assigning specially trained certified law enforcement officer to each junior and high school in the parish. This program began with the assistance of a federal grant that allowed the Sheriff's Office to work with the school system on the implementation. The grant funding expired in 2005 and in now funded jointly between the school board and the sheriff's office. The program follows a national trend to responding to the increase of violence on school campus to not only students but to school administration. The goal is to offer a safe environment so students can obtain an education without the fear of violence.  


The SRO program is a nationally accepted program involving the placement of a law enforcement officer within the educational environment. The officer's role is more than being a very active high profile law enforcement officer and includes being a resource for students, parents, teachers, and administration regarding law related issues.  


While the primary duty is to reduce crime and violence in the schools, SRO's often find themselves teaching classes, counseling students, and being a mentor to students at school. Besides working with individual students, SRO's also assist in community policing in the area surrounding the school. Some examples of community policing problem solving involve traffic issues, noise complaints, drug sales, and safety in nearby parks and business areas. 


The Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office has twenty-eight school resource officers covering twenty-five schools in the parish. The officers are assigned to a school to be a direct link between the school and any issue that may need the assistance of law enforcement.  


If you have questions about the program or have any issues you wish to address about a specific issue at school, you can e-mail jtartaglia@cpso.com. Your question will be given to the officer assigned to the school and a response sent to you.


For additional information contact

Lt. Joe Tartaglia

Program Supervisor

(337) 491-3848

Junior Deputy Program

The Junior Deputy Program is held throughout the parish for students ranging from ages 11 - 14. This program is scheduled several times during the year. Each session in six weeks in length and is held in various locations.


The program teaches children the importance of their roles as citizens in our community by teaching leadership skills and the value of teamwork.  Attendees will also gain a better understanding of the various roles our CPSO deputies play in our community.  The program encourages good moral character, integrity, and strong leadership.    



Approximately 100 cadets attend each program.


Deputies go to each school to give the children information about the program.

For more information

Youth Division 


Jr. Deputy Application 2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 157.2 KB

Online Application

D.a.r.e. Program

The D.A.R.E. Program is taught in the elementary (5th grade) and middle school (7th grade) throughout the parish. The new D.A.R.E. curriculum was implemented in 2004 and currently all schools are receiving the new curriculum.


The program is designed to teach young people a decision making model that will result in skills to assist them in making informed decisions when it relates to resisting drugs and violence. This decision making model can also be utilized in everyday decisions by our youth.


Each year, the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office D.A.R.E. Program reaches approximately 1,500 5th grade students and 1,000 middle school students.

Each 5th grade student that meets the requirements will participate in a D.A.R.E. culmination.

Elderly Services

Involved in the daily lives and social functions of the older citizens in our community. Deputies are strictly involved with the retired and more mature victims of crime. Provides preventive services to help eliminate some fears of older citizens 

Current projects include: 


Partnership between AARP, the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office, the Calcasieu Parish District Attorney's Office and the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury to work together in the reduction of crime, victimization to senior citizens and to reduce the fear of crime among the elderly. For more information call TRIAD at 337-494-1728.


Designed to assist seniors that have been victims of crime deal with the aftermath of victimization. This assistance could be in the form of advocacy for services our community offers seniors limited monetary assistance when finances have been totally removed, due to a crime or providing a personal contact with the Sheriff's Office to assist a senior with specific needs. 


This is an annual event designed especially for our seniors to offer a day full of fun and education. Special speakers are invited to discuss issues that are of importance to our area seniors. 

For more information:


Warrants Division

The Warrants Division is tasked with housing all warrants referred to the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office for service by other agencies and court systems within Calcasieu Parish. Agencies outside of Calcasieu, but within Louisiana, and from other states refer warrants for service as well. This division also facilitates the extradition process on behalf of the 14th Judicial District Court System.


Additionally, the warrants division maintains the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office Sex Offender registry for those convicted sex offenders required to register. Louisiana law provides for an aggressive posture regarding compliance which includes warrants deputies performing random, unannounced home visits ensuring offenders address information is current.