Lake Charles, LA –
On July 11, 2021, Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office detectives received a complaint regarding Brandon W. Cannon, 40, 2203 Currie Drive, Sulphur, having inappropriate sexual contact with a girl under the age of 18, the previous day.
An investigation was conducted by detectives and turned over to the District Attorney’s Office. On April 7, Cannon was indicted by a Calcasieu Parish Grand Jury and a warrant was issued for his arrest. The following day, April 8, deputies with the CPSO Warrants Division located Cannon at his place of employment, at which time he was arrested and booked into the Calcasieu Correctional Center and charged with aggravated crime against nature; and felony sexual battery. Judge Tony Fazzio set his bond at $1.25 million.
CPSO Detective Melanie Veillon is the lead investigator on this case.
An arrest is an indication that probable cause exists to believe the subject was involved in the offense alleged. A person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.