Lake Charles –
Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office Special Services Commander Matthew Vezinot and Reserve Deputy Jeff Pittman were two of the three local first responders in our area chosen to represent CITGO Petroleum Corporation during the 124th Annual Boston Marathon.
CITGO Petroleum Corporation is the official fuel sponsor for the 124th Boston Marathon and recently surprised ten first responders located in their operational areas in Lake Charles, LA, Houston and Corpus Christi, TX, and Lemont, IL. According to Jerry Dunn, vice president and general manager of the CITGO Lake Charles Manufacturing Complex, Vezinot and Pittman were chosen by a panel based on their responses when asked what running in the Boston Marathon means to them. “Just as the famous CITGO sign in Kenmore Square watches over this historic race, our first responders watch over our community each and every day by putting their lives on the line,” said Dunn. “We are grateful for their dedication to the safety of our community and honored to have the opportunity to send a few of our local heroes on the road to Boston.”
“I am thrilled for Commander Vezinot and Deputy Pittman; this is a once in a lifetime chance for them to be chosen and sponsored to compete in the Boston Marathon,” stated Calcasieu Parish Sheriff Tony Mancuso. “These two deputies are passionate about their jobs here at the Sheriff’s Office and do a lot for our community, so it is great to see them recognized for their dedication as first responders.”
They will compete in the Boston marathon on Monday, April 20 which is Patriot’s Day, a state holiday in Massachusetts.