Lake Charles –
Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office Sex Offender Unit arrested convicted sex offender Walter Scott, 43, 2401 9th Street, Lake Charles after it was revealed he was in violation of his sex offender registration requirements on two occasions.
In April 2015 Scott completed his annual in-person registration and changed his address on his registration. Scott was advised he had twenty-one days to pay his required fees for community notifications for his new address. He failed to pay the fees, making him in violation of his registration requirements and Judge Guy Bradberry signed a warrant for failure to register as a sex offender in the amount of $10,000 for his arrest.
In April 2016 Scott was due to complete his annual in-person registration, which he failed to do, making him in violation of his registration requirements once again. On May 12 Judge Ronald Ware signed a warrant for failure to register as a sex offender in the amount of $3,000 for Scott’s arrest.
On May 15 deputies were dispatched to a home on Tulip Street in Lake Charles in reference to a disturbance. When deputies arrived they located Scott and learned he had 2 active warrants for his arrest.
Scott, who was convicted of felony carnival knowledge of a juvenile in 2004, was arrested and booked into the Calcasieu Correctional Center on two counts of failure to register as a sex offender.
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