Lake Charles, LA –
This morning at approximately 8:15 the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office received a call saying Cody A. McAdams, 38, 403 Conn St., Kirbyville, TX, was breaking into a house on Highway 1133 in Carlyss. Several minutes later CPSO received another call from a homeowner on Hwy. 27S who lived behind the house on Vincent Settlement Rd. saying he witnessed a man and woman trespassing on his property.
The investigation revealed the man and woman were husband and wife but were estranged. The burglary call was due to Cody McAdams breaking into Brandi’s parent’s house where she and her daughter were living. It is believed he attempted to kidnap the two with a gun and they were in the pasture behind her parents’ house when the homeowner called to report the trespassers.
Several deputies from the initial burglary call responded to the trespassing call and witnessed the man and woman walking through a pasture with a child, later identified as Cody McAdams and Brandi L. McAdams, 33, Carlyss. When deputies arrived, Cody McAdams shot Brandi McAdams and shot at a deputy’s unit striking it three times. At that time, a deputy in another unit returned fire and simultaneously McAdams shot himself in the head. The coroner has determined that he died as a result of the self-inflicted gunshot to the head. He also determined the graze wound on his right arm was most likely fired from the deputy’s weapon but was non-lethal.
Brandi McAdams was pronounced dead at the scene and Cody McAdams was transported by ambulance to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead. The child was also transported to a local hospital to be checked for injuries but was determined to be unharmed.
CPSO has investigated several cases of domestic violence perpetrated on Brandi McAdams by her estranged husband in the last several months. She reported one incident as late as last night.
CPSO Detective Travis Lavergne is the lead investigator on this case.
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Kimberly Stahl (Tuesday, 03 May 2016 16:33)
A 5 year old little girl is left without parents and it is time for us to Rally as ONE. #RallyforRaelynn -- Please click below and help if able...if not, please share so others may as well.